List of Riders and Support Staff

Here is the current list of riders:

Jeff Morse (President—Founder)
                                           North Naples FD
Dan McDonald (Vice President)
                                         Collier County SO
Shawn Stromdahl (Treasurer)
                                           North Naples FD
Jack Bills ……………………..North Naples FD
Rob Boisselle ………………..Big Cypress FD
David Borawski ……………….Haines City FD
Bob Branch…………………….Houston, TX FD
Mike Cruz ………………………Houston, TX FD
Luciano De Andrade ……..North Naples FD
Kristy Halversen ……………….North Port FD
Cory Howard  MD – Physicians Life Center
David Jones ………………….North Naples FD
Kory McDonald …………………Cincinnati FD
Pete Macchia ………………………Charlotte FD
Matt Nixon ……………………..East Naples FD
Dave Perez ……………………..East Naples FD
Frank Sands …………………North Naples FD
Jeff Vannortwick……………North Naples FD
Harry Zafris …………………….East Naples FD


Following along with the riders on their nine day journey will be a support staff.  So far, the staff consists of:

Candy Morse …………….Brotherhood Ride
Curtis Burns ……………SC Highway Patrol
Dick Cooke ……………………………Elks Club
Rodney Huron ……………………Houston FD
Zak Jones …………………..North Naples FD
Jim Jones – Retired Fire Chief………North
                                                  Naples FD
Clint Kronenberger …….Clint’s Bike Shop
Rodger & Nancy Nadeau …………Naional
                                      Fallen Firefighters
Rafael Perez …………………East Naples FD
Frank Poirier …………………………Elks Club
Rick & Debbi Sweigert …North Naples FD
Dick & Shannon Schell ……….Bonita Elks


You can find more information on our website

Help Honor The Memory of The Fallen Heroes.